Friday, October 28, 2011

NBA Lockout: Won't get fooled again.

        "Don't get fooled again." The Who "Won't Get Fooled Again" 

     Last Week, there was a hope for a resolution or close to semblance of labor peace for the NBA after a long negotiating session (16 hours), followed by a 7 1/2 hour session. Then, a brief 3-4 hour session where both sides walk away because they cannot disagree on Basketball related income. It looked like the season was in jeopardy yet again.

   Yet, this week much like the week before there was hope again. There was talk today that Labor peace would reign with an agreement as the same things happened above. Everyone especially me included, thought perhaps there would be a full season. Unfortunately, it was the same song and dance where they met for a long time but could not find a way to come to an agreement because of one thing: Basketball Related Income.

  Tonight, David Stern finally put to rest that there will not be a full 82 game season and cancelled the last two weeks of games for November. Billy Hunter left the negotiating session saying that they are not at the point where a deal could be done and Chris Paul said that they could not get a deal done. In other words, we're back to square one of a saga where the momentum of last year's great season is now totally gone.

    As a fan, this sucks as the two sides are fighting it out much like two divorced parents deciding who gets the house, car, pet and discretionary valuable X or Z, while the child (the fans) are left to suffer. It's sad that we may have a replay of the 1999 lockout season where we see overweight stars play their way into shape (I'm looking at you, Shawn Kemp circa 1999). Yet, that may be the best scenario when you consider the scenario of a cancelled season (See NHL Cancels 2004-05 season). In addition, the workers who work at the arena and those whose businesses are indirectly affected by NBA games are most likely gonna lose their jobs, which is bad for an already faltering economy.

   Frankly, I don't care if they say they made strides at the next negotiating session (Whenever that may be) because it's just part of the process in making a labor deal not the finalized product. I will not believe that both sides have come to an agreement until  they are together saying that the New CBA has been agreed and voted upon by both sides (Owners and NBAPA). Until then, I will be watching old NBA clips on YouTube and getting on with my life much like everyone else.

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