Monday, February 7, 2011

Pittsburgh Steelers bumbling and fumbling prove costly

For the whole week, Dallas became the scene of America's bizarre weather. It was supposed to be a week of sunshine amongst the cold reality of Winter that still holds any continent north of the equator freezing and cold. Fortunately, the game was a classic that lived to the billing.

Last night, The Green Bay Packers led by Aaron Rodgers silenced the critics who said that he could not win the big game. Well, it was mostly Brett Favre supporters who thought nobody could fill the gigantic cleat prints he left in the Frozen tundra. He was clutch and cool under pressure. His reward: Super Bowl MVP and a 111.5 QB rating. Also, a trip to Disney World. Not bad at all.

Rodgers was supposed to be the inexperienced QB who would get his head sawed off by a pack of hungry linebackers and linemen. Ben Rothlisberger was a QB who would come up with the clutch moments. He did make a couple of big moments that helped get the team back from a 21-3 deficit. Yet, he made big turnovers that were critical.

Namely, the pick-six that led to a 14-0 deficit that put the Steelers on the eight ball before the 1st Quarter had ended. Within seven minutes, the Green Bay Packers ambushed the Steelers.
In addition, he made another interception just as the Steelers were about to march to the red zone down 14-3. Another momentum buster that pushed the Pittsburgh farther away from the Packers.

For the whole game, Pittsburgh played catch up and had chances to win this game despite making three turnovers. They made a big push in the 3rd Quarter where they put the once confident Green Bay Packers on their heels. The Steelers were very close to making an unbelievable comeback that would go up there with the greatness of the franchise. Yet, they seemed to constantly shoot themselves in the foot.

Down 21-17, The Steelers are driving into Packers territory and just about around field goal range or a chance to take the lead. Rashard Mendenhall fumbles the ball thanks to a big hit by Clay Matthews who proved that he should have been Defensive Player of the Year in this game. Green Bay recovers the ball.

Aaron Rogers drives the Packers offense for the decisive score that made it 28-17 early in the 4th Quarter. It was the big play that proved vital and enough of a cushion along with a field goal to put the lead to six. This despite a two point conversion on a lateral by Rothliseberger to put them within three.

Green Bay stood tall and played perfect football while Pittsburgh bumbled and fumbled. Packers showed poise in Super Bowl XLV while the Steelers were left dazed, shocked and empty-handed. It was there for the taking despite the missteps but they shut the door on a seventh championship and a third for Ben Rothlisberger. Alas, they may have to wait for next year. Oh wait, we have a labor problem. Maybe October 2011 at the earliest (gulp). Hopefully, it will be September 2011 but anyway, it was a great end to a controversial season in many years.